Though this first module of the workshop I've discovered new perspectives of education in the modern times. New terminology and important skills that are quite important to empower in our students of all the world to provoke and make significant changes in the generations that will be commanding important decisions in a near future.

Getting to know more about the principles of the IB and the learner profile has opened a new point of view for learning and teaching. 

Kids need to acquire a set of attributes that will help them to succeed in life and to make a better world for them and others. Creating the sense of responsibility and develoving human capacities are important elements to be taught. Teaching topics is not the solution to change the view of the world, take action and be aware of the common and global issues we have, will make the difference to live in a better place.

The multilingualism enhances the cognitive processes making the learning easier and faster contributing to share knowledge and experiences with others. Years ago, foreign languages were tagged as a difficulty for a classroom teacher with students of different countries and different mother tongues. Nowadays, language diversity is a great opportunity to learn and share from others. The clash of cultures is a huge chance to explore, respect and value the the origins of the world.

By Raúl Rodríguez


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